Dredging a Lake? Contacts?

Have an 11 acre impoundment on Johns island that I need to get deepened. Who does this kind of work? Any permits needed? regulations? Thanks.

If Dell Construction is stiil there contact them.Or you can call F&L Construction 538-8745

Double D.

I’ll come test it out! I’ll graph the fishing productivity before and after

Contact Marcol Dredging. They are in the phone book

21 Contender

If there is any marsh vegetation or anything that can be considered wetland you are looking at a permit. Contains saltwater -> permit.

You could try to do it on the sly, but could face fines if you do.

Dredge permitting is not cheap but is nothing compared to the cost of the actual work. If you end up going for a permit, feel free to PM me. I will give you a proposal.

Depending on what type of soil you have, you may look into a local sand company coming in and mining. Let them worry about permits. The rules for digging seem to change monthly. It’s a shame to have to pay the government for the right to “Own” your property and than have them tell you what you can or can not do to it.

Also keep in mind that you can not use the dredged soil to fill in another wet land area, but can use it to fill non wet land on site. If the soil goes off the property it is considered Mining and permits are needed for that even if you are giving the dirt away.

Eleven acres isnt worth messing with to a mining company.

Originally posted by birddawg

Eleven acres isnt worth messing with to a mining company.

That depends, I’ve worked with several small operations. 11 Acres of deep shell sand would be well worth it. I know the chances of that would be slim… but there has been some fortunes made (and lost) from that stuff on that very Island.

the permitting process alone is not worth 11 acres.

there also has to be a permitted area to discharge the water legally,and it cant be discharged into any public waterway.