Learning curve

I headed out to Folly to try and find a red or two. I usually don’t fish out that way, but need to explore some new areas as my usual one is growing harder for me to get access to. Loaded up and headed to the land of milk and honey on Tuesday morning. At 8 am several people had already beat me to the spot I was trying to get in to, so I picked another hoping for the best. I rolled with frozen finger mullet and found that if hooked through the head and then cutting the tail half off, they stayed on the hook just fine. The surf was rough and clouds were out so I used spider weights and had no problem getting bait to stick in the strong current and pounding waves. After a while I had my first knock down unfortunately the fish won that battle and got off the hook. Shortly after that another knock down and was glad to get one beached. As the day wore on I saw the fellow packing up next to me, so I was able to get to the original spot I was looking for. I slid in and next thing you know a older couple from NC came out and parked on top of me. I figured they were going to get lines tangled as they were casting where my baits were. After a while he yells over hey buddy, I’m sorry but I got tangled in your lines. So I leave my rods to go deal with the mess. I looked back at my rods about 40 yds away and my pole is bowed over taking out line. At this point I break out into a full sprint running for my rod thats down the beach that is slammed over. I then faced planted at full speed in the sand, but was able to roll through it and pop back up on my feet without missing a beat:smiley: I got to the pole and was able to land my fish. I just wish someone got this 275lb man on video cause honestly my ninja roll and recovery back to my feet in one motion was beautiful:+1: The day ended with 2/3 fish but I didn’t feel so bad cause the three other groups didn’t catch any from what I saw and I was watching them pretty good. Sometimes you gotta buss a few eggs to make an omelette. It wasn’t pretty but working the new

Thats a solid report. Folly has some early risers sometimes. I got out at like 5:30 one morning and it was loaded. Also been out there one day and it was like youtube video big fish and all down the beach.

Very nice Pete! I suppose in 4-5 more years I’ll be able to fish on Tuesdays. :smiley:

We’re on vacation next week, plan on hitting the beach everyday. Shoot me a text one day, would enjoy fishin’ with ya!
Good looking grub too!!!

Thank you 40. Hopefully I will get lucky and catch one of those good days. Ive had big days with good numbers on medium size fish but never big numbers on large fish. Usually when I find good fish its just one or two. David I’m hoping we get together many times in the future. I think our best days are still to come. You have been a good friend. Stay safe and God bless you buddy:smiley:

Great job Pete. Glad to see you ok after a fall as well haha. Wish I could have witnessed it :slight_smile:

Haven’t got out at all this year. 2019.2020 has kicked my ass…

DUDE! You always post some pics of mighty fine looking eats! thanks for posting!

Thank you Fred and Papa, I hope y’all are doing well:+1:

Great to see new post Pete, I havent been to that side of folly. Hows the parking in that side?

Good to see you posting too Werson. I have had no issues with parking. They are still out, hopefully for a couple more weeks


Bring spider weights, the current is strong. I have been using 5-6 ounce ones and bait is holding in place. Finger mullet. I have been cutting off the tail half and hooking through the head and it stays on hook even if the fish was frozen. You want any more info feel free to call me. Take care buddy.