Covid Round 2

Anybody worried about this, or having it affect their lives any more than it has already? The fear mongering is starting up yet again. I can’t see another round of shutdowns over a virus we now know the death rate of. It’s not going away any time soon and neither has the flu, vaccine or no vaccine. I would be a little more concerned/careful if I was elderly, but I’m not going to stop living my life anymore. I’ll wear a face covering so people feel good in public, but those don’t help squat. Just wash your hands! I’m just getting so sick of all of this… I’m interested in what you all think about it all.

B.O.A.T. Bust Out Another Thousand!

Yes, we are worried about Covid-19. We think twice about any kind of social activity. I work from home. No travel plans for Thanksgiving. Why are we concerned?

  • Death rates from Covid-19 are 100x greater than that of the yearly flu
  • Elderly and those with pre-existing conditions have even a greater risk of death (us)
  • Concerned about people who don’t take it seriously, don’t wear masks (they work), don’t follow the guidelines regarding social distancing, these are the people more likely to spread SARS-Cov-2.

We can enjoy our families virtually, this year. There will be next year, once the immunizations take hold, for social life…we can wait.

With what is left of available data on the internet:^tfw|twcamp^tweetembed|twterm^1329064251479232512|twgr^&

I believe I already posted this on your last topic:

Read the part about: The Cell-Free Hemoglobin Connection

It’s a virus…question is where it came from!!!

The ENTER-NET Fisherman

100 times?

Are you certain this number is accurate? I only ask because the numbers I am seeing from the CDC and John Hopkins are putting out some drastically different numbers.

I suck at math, so maybe you are right, but from what I am seeing those numbers just simply don’t add up

It’s not worth looking at these citations in depth…their sources are questionable at best…An Ophthalmologist and a ‘doctor’ who claims fraudulent affiliations??? These are your sources for claims regarding hydroxychloroquine combatting covid-19. Yeah, they’re much more reliable than the rest of the respected medical community.!

The death rate from the seasonal flu is around 0.09% calculated by deaths/symptomatic individuals (CDC 2019 estimates). The rate for COVID-19 is around 2.1% (SC estimates) calculated by deaths/total tested positive cases (these would be asymptomatic plus symptomatic). So, yes you are right it would be around 23x greater. However, if you estimate that asymptomatic COVID-19 positive patients could be as high as 81% of the total infected population (Int J Infect Dis. 2020 Nov; 100: 112–116), then the death rate per symptomatic patients could be as high as 11% (122x).

I still don’t get it. You used a lot of estimates and what-ifs? Lets look at hard facts a moment.

The numbers I see for the 2017-2018 (pre covid19) flu deaths are just under 60,000 per the CDC and John Hopkins has that number in the upper 50 thousands, a little under the CDC’s. These are just the US numbers

So if Covid is actually 100 times more deadly there should be, ( again, according to my ciphering which like I said was fuzzy at best), roughly 5,000,000 deaths in the US this flu season.

As of today, if my information is correct, we have had just south of 250,000 deaths in the US that are Covid19 related, whatever related means, far less than 5 million. Lets say (God forbid), that we double that number in the next few months before a vaccine can become effective in the general population. That puts it at 500,000 deaths (ballpark)

It just looks like 10x not 122x to me.

I just don’t get the math I guess, but thanks for giving your answer/opinion in a cordial and friendly manner. We could use some respectful discourse these days.

No need to live in fear. I didn’t know one person back in the summer that had the wuhan bug. I now now whole households that have had covid. I’m guessing I personally know of 100-150 people that have tested positive. I know NO ONE that has died from it or even had it worse than the flu bug.

China unleashed it on the World and now we deal with it. Thanks to Warp speed and the quick action of several pharma companies the World has gotten a vaccine quicker than any other in history. This thing will never completely “go away”, no need to be dragged into the fear mongering the main stream media is pushing along with Democratic leaders. People die, it’s part of life. More still die from Cancer, Alcoholism, Blunt force trauma, car crashes, and many other things.

Masks are not the cure, or prevention. What would have been nice is if China would not have “persuaded” the WHO to down play it. They shut down Wuhan to their own people, but still allowed international flights in and out of the city from foreigners. The WORLD needs to go after China for damages.

All the surface cleaning stores and people do is great, but it will not stop an Air Born virus. Cleaning is always good to do, but largely fruitless with Covid as it is Air Born. With that said, mask will not do a thing to keep you from catching it if it is present in the air you’re breathing. not fearmongering, just fact.

Come on people I understand the coughing thing and masks holding back a wad of phlegm, but to a virus and it’s size a mask is like an open door. Full containment biological gear will work, but masks won’t! If you want to stop it stay home and isolate if it scares you that much. If you choose to go shopping go open air shopping or order on line . Don’t live in fear! I guess if masks make you less fearful have at it. Just cover your nose as well. full in or full out.

Please sir may I remove my muzzle and take a sip of water?

C/p The Coronavirus Kills Less Than 1% Of The People It Infects

Medical studies in the US indicate that the coronavirus deaths rate for citizens NOT living in nursing homes has been holding well below 1% on average. The largest percentage of deaths by far in the US has been in nursing homes among elderly people with preexisting conditions. People in long term care facilities make up 8% of Covid infection cases but they are 45% of all covid deaths.

The small percentage of people who are most at risk can STAY HOME and take precautions as necessary, while the rest of us get on with our lives. Why are we being ordered to do the exact opposite just to make less than 1% of the population feel safer? How is this logical, reasonable or scientific? The only answer that makes sense is that the lockdown response is about control, not saving lives.

it’s called fear porn comrades

Another thing to consider is the mental toll this is taking on our children. My sister works at a hospital and they are seeing a huge increase in mental health issues and suicide cases with kids under 16. I don’t think this country can take another shutdown.
thanks for everybody’s responses.

B.O.A.T. Bust Out Another Thousand!

Good luck trying to find toilet paper…

_______________________ After being released, a lot of fish die, but a lot of them live also.

Signs of the Apocalypse… CaptFritz posting mems with ease.
The Horror…the horror…

The ENTER-NET Fisherman

Working from a desktop is all the difference. Did you see the 10lb flounder from this summer?

_______________________ After being released, a lot of fish die, but a lot of them live also.


I do not trust the numbers when it comes to tallying up “Covid Deaths”. I spoke with someone from DHEC (off the record) and was told that there have been multiple instances of elderly deaths and Covid was attributed when Covid was not the cause. He told me hospitals get “Covid relief” money from Covid related deaths. If that is happening in SC, might it also be happening all over the country? The fact is, we’re relying on government entities to report what they say is factual information. I know how inefficient and ineffective government can be, particularly if they have ulterior motives. If it weren’t for all of the politics that has polluted this pandemic, more people might actually trust what they are being told.

I have friends and co-workers that have had it. Some have had symptoms no worse than a cold, some, worse than the worst case of flu they have ever had. One friend just got out of the hospital after 4 days due to respiratory issues. He is 35 years old and in pretty good shape. Do I want it? Nope but, I am not going to live in fear and isolate myself.

"Apathy is the Glove into Which Evil Slips It's Hand", but really, who cares?


This is another one of those episodes of mis-information promulgated by the ‘covid is a hoax’ folks. Hospitals were provided additional funding through the COVID relief bill to help defray the additional costs associated with taking care of the large influx of COVID-19 cases that were coming in. This extra financial support came from CMS. It was not a $$$ per covid diagnosis issue. This is the kind of mis-information that causes that distrust of which you speak. Spreading this mis-information contributes to the mistrust.

Shooting the messenger?