Saturday was BRUTAL Sunday better

As the sun was rising and…

a few seconds later before putting Inn
Got an early (Tide wise) start Saturday morning with tide barely coming in and felt not to try getting this Bigboy (22’ Seafox XTS) stuck in Pluff mud But this boat surprises me at times. Anyway it was brutal on the waters with high winds and swirling winds but I was on the waters and decided to stick it out until Hi Tide and that too was a foolish decision but managed several Big Reds tagged and of course a few Cats for dinner
Sunday took that chance on low tide coming in but decided to hit Goose Creek and caught a nice Red and a BigBoy hurt my feelings and busted my line on some oyster shells after a good fight. Move on up the river and must’va caught about 20

or so reds and after tagging quite a few nearly out of slot decided to head home around 12:00 and get ready for some Football. As I sit here still debating if going out this morning but have some home catch up HDL.