green stick on cc james island

i was driving to a friends house and noticed there neighbor had a center concle in the driveway with a 25 or 30’ green stick. It may not be a green stick but i am not sure what else it could be.

Maybe a red stick

fish today work tomorrow

How bout a blue stick

fish today work tomorrow

I could keep this goin all night. Might run out of colors though

fish today work tomorrow

Too much Saturday night in this guy?


is anyone on here familar with the boat or what a green stick is. If it is a green stick i would like to see how he has it mounted.

Familiar with a greenstick, where is the boat, you could probably stop by and talk to him…

Met one of the guys on that boat today. Yes it is a green stick. They fished Sunday but did not catch anything using it. Caught some Phins but not on the green stick…